Matt Knigge

Solitaire Homes Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Solitaire Homes Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a manufactured home from Solitaire Homes range from $76 - $86 per square foot. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that they cover the cost for single and double width manufactured homes from Solitaire Homes as well as shipping and necessary site preparations (clearing the site, laying a foundation, preparing utilities). 

To determine our cost estimates for manufactured homes from Solitaire Homes we took estimated model costs and added an additional $10,000 - $30,000 to account for added site preparation costs, like those listed above. Though it is important to confirm with your local sales center what services are included in the final purchase price, most cost estimates include local shipping and setting of the home on the build site. It is also worth noting that buyers looking for enhanced design packages may also face higher costs.

As with all of our cost tables, it is important to note that these are only estimates and to receive the most accurate price quote for your home, individuals should speak with their local Solitaire Homes distribution partner. This is especially true due to the business models used by manufactured home builders, where each local sales center can determine their own price, leading to varying cost depending on the area and even the sales center. Continue reading below for a table of our cost estimates for a prefab home from Solitaire Homes.

Model Name Beds Baths Square Feet All-in Cost Estimate (not including land)
260 2 2 896 $79,120 - $102,000
264 2 2 960 $81,424 - $104,400
266 2 2 992 $86,032 - $109,200
270 2 2 1,056 $88,336 - $111,600
272 2 2 1,088 $88,336 - $111,600
372 2 2 1,088 $92,944 - $116,400
GKU 278 2 2 1,152 $92,944 - $116,400
376 3 2 1,152 $92,944 - $116,400
GKU 378 3 2 1,152 $97,552 - $121,200
380 3 2 1,216 $97,552 - $121,200
AC 80 3 2 1,216 $103,024 - $126,900
218 2 2 1,292 $103,024 - $126,900
318 3 2 1,292 $107,920 - $132,000
ACK 384 3 2 1,360 $107,920 - $132,000
HD 384 3 2 1,360 $114,832 - $139,200
856 BR 3-4 2 1,456 $114,832 - $139,200
856 SC 3 2 1,456 $122,896 - $147,600
360 3 2 1,568 $130,960 - $156,000
GE 64 3 2 1,680 $139,024 - $164,400
GE 68 3 2.5 1,792 $147,088 - $172,800
GE 72 3-4 2.5 1,904 $167,248 - $193,800
Landmark 4 3-4 2.5 2,184 $175,888 - $202,800
PRT 3 3 2 2,304 $175,888 - $202,800
PRT 3 SC 3 2 2,304 $198,928 - $226,800
485 4-5 2 2,624 $198,928 - $226,800
486 SC 3-4 2 2,624 $198,928 - $226,800
PRT 4 4 3 2,624 $198,928 - $226,800
PRT 4 SC 4 3 2,624 $198,928 - $226,800
PRT 4 A 3 3 2,624 $198,928 - $226,800
PRT 4 A SC 3 3 2,624 $74,680 - $106,692