Matt Knigge

Den Arizona Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Den Arizona Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a home from Den Arizona range from $225 - $300+ per square foot. This estimate is based on Den Arizona’s stated cost of a pre-designed home in central Arizona. Our estimate is all-inclusive, meaning that the cost of Den Arizona’s materials, a feasibility study, labor, and site work are all included. However, buyers building a custom home may face higher total costs. For example, the flat cost to design custom floor plans is $1,000. The price of land or upgrades are not included in this estimate either.

As a turn-key builder, Den Arizona handles all phases of the process, from design to site work. However, some site-specific features like septic tanks, wells, and hillside builds may raise the final costs. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished house from Den Arizona.

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet All-Cost Estimate (Includes the cost of labor, shipping, and site work in central Arizona)
Resi Den 3 2 1,600 $360,000
Dwell Den 2 2 1,044 $248,000
Live Den 1 1 522 $124,000
Flex Den 1 1 429 $98,000
Think Den Studio Studio 128 $38,000