Hummingbird Tiny Housing Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a tiny home from Hummingbird Tiny Housing range from $303 to $414+ per square foot. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that all costs associated with finishing the tiny home are included however, the cost of land, home upgrades, and shipping are not included in this estimate. Although base model tiny homes can be purchased for as low as $240 per square foot, most buyers typically opt for their standard pre-designed models which have an all-in cost of $303 - $414 per square foot due to their many standard luxury features. These specialty features include tile work, custom fixtures, and even murals. However, buyers looking to customize their tiny home can opt to exclude these elements. While shipping is free for the first 250 miles from their Danville, Georgia location, buyers further away have to pay $2.00 per mile. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished tiny home from Hummingbird Tiny Housing.
Model | Sleeping Areas | Bathrooms | Size | Base Price | All-in Cost |
Luxury 40 | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 340 sqft Length: 40' |
$82,000 | $103,000 |
Jasmine | 2 (2 Lofts) |
1 | 350 sqft Length: 30' |
$73,500 | $145,000 |
Magnolia | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 250 sqft Length: 24' |
$52,500+ | $75,750 - $103,500+ |
Rosebud | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 363 sqft Length: 26' |
$76,230+ | $109,989 - $150,282+ |
Royal Iris | 1-2 (1 Loft + 0-1 Main Level) |
1 | 310 sqft Length: 26' |
$65,100+ | $93,930 - $128,340+ |
Foxglove | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 360 sqft Length: 30' |
$75,600+ | $109,080 - $149,040+ |
Sweet Pea | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | ~310 sqft Length: 26' |
$65,100+ | $93,930 - $128,340+ |
Cherry Blossom | 2-3 (2 Lofts + 0-1 Main Level) |
1 | 340 sqft Length: 26' |
$71,400+ | $103,020 - $140,760+ |
Daisy | 1 (1 Main Level) |
1 | 337 sqft Length: 34' |
$70,770+ | $102,111 - $139,518+ |
Sage | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 252 sqft Length: 22' |
$52,920+ | $76,356 - $104,328+ |
Violet | 2 (2 Lofts) |
1 | ~255 sqft Length: 30' |
$53,550+ | $77,265 - $105,570+ |