Lloyoll Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a prefab ADU from Lloyoll range from $418 - $424+ per square foot. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that the cost of the home, labor, and site work are included. This cost estimate is based on the modular cost of a prefab ADU from Lloyoll for buyers in the San Francisco bay area. Since their prefab homes are shipped from Nova Scotia, buyers based in California can expect to pay $30k+ more than buyers closer to their Canadian headquarters and buyers located even further away may face even higher final costs.The cost of land and any home upgrades are not included in this estimate. It is worth noting that Lloyoll does not install homes themselves, meaning buyers will have to handle site work themselves or work with a third-party contractor. As such, the cost of installation and other site work can vary from contractor to contractor. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished house from Lloyoll.
Model | Bedrooms | Bathrooms | Square Feet | All-Cost Estimate (Based on the cost of labor, shipping, and site work in the San Francisco Bay Area) |
Skáli Cuboid | 1 | 1 | 428 | $181,443 |
Sitka Cuboid | 1 | 1 | 428 | $179,298 |
Saalti Cuboid | 1 | 1 | 428 | $178,873 |