Whisper Creek Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a turn-key log home built with a panelized building system from Whisper Creek ranges from $195 - $245+ per sqft. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that the cost of the panelized building kit, interior finishes, labor and site work are included. These cost estimates are based on average turn-key project costs from prior Whisper Creek homes. As such, our estimates represent mid-range project costs and depending on factors like location, building site, and degree of customization, you may face costs that fall outside of this range (either cheaper or more expensive). Because Whisper Creek uses a panelized building system, there is a larger amount of on-site work that needs to take place in order to assemble and finish the interior of the home. As such, labor costs play a more significant role in determining project cost; projects located in areas with high-labor costs may face final project costs outside of this range and projects in areas with lower-than-average labor costs may face costs lower than our estimates. Buyers looking for a fully-custom design or high-end interior finishes may face costs that are outside of this range as well. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished home or cabin from Whisper Creek.
Model | Square Feet | All-in Cost Estimate (not including land) |
Heartland | 725 | $148,119 - $175,939 |
Heartland w/ Loft | 925 | $187,366 - $217,483 |
Homestead | 841 | $170,351 - $198,222 |
Homestead w/ loft | 1,091 | $217,819 - $245,729 |
Riverwood | 1,160 | $230,247 - $256,549 |
Riverwood w/ loft | 1,478 | $291,647 - $350,939 |
Sundance | 1,276 | $251,046 - $277,753 |
Sundance w/ loft | 1,634 | $318,630 - $345,230 |
Willow Creek | 1,624 | $326,122 - $362,001 |
Willow Creek w/ loft | 1,903 | $379,936 - $415,341 |
Aspen Grove | 2,088 | $416,872 - $453,290 |
Aspen Grove w/ loft | 2,367 | $471,198 - $506,978 |
Fox Hollow | 1,289 | $277,585 - $315,805 |
Big Horn | 1,712 | $358,724 - $395,552 |
Eagle River | 2,176 | $452,153 - $490,106 |
Elk Ridge | 2,553 | $520,100 - $567,597 |
Eagle Rivery w/ loft | 2,640 | $547,033 - $585,405 |
Grizzly | 2,640 | $543,963 - $580,800 |
Caribou | 3,017 | $612,872 - $649,707 |
Elk Ridge w/ loft | 3,364 | $683,361 - $730,301 |
Mosse Hollow | 3,394 | $679,589 - $734,840 |
Grizzly w/ loft | 3,568 | $735,174 - $772,513 |
Bear Lake w/ loft | 4,003 | $803,858 - $848,077 |
Caribou w/ loft | 4,307 | $872,418 - $917,491 |
Kodiak | 4,032 | $797,961 - $849,533 |
Moose Hollow w/ loft | 5,076 | $1,019,332 - $1,072,453 |
Kodiak w/ loft | 6,352 | $1,260,798 - $1,308,807 |
Heartland Hybrid | 925 | $198,122 |
Homestand Hybrid | 1,091 | $229,237 |
Riverwood Hybrid | 1,460 | $302,526 |
Sundance Hybrid | 1,634 | $336,680 |
Willow Creek Hybrid | 2,312 | $462,938 |
Aspen Grive Hybrid | 3,076 | $606,973 |
Solitude A | 480 | $102,917 |
Solitude B | 396 | $83,401 |
Solitude C | 320 | $68,683 |
Solitude D | 252 | $55,499 |
Summit Series | 1,520 | $322,028 |
Carriage House | 2,392 | $488,691 |
Evergreen | 2,010 | $425,840 |
Copper Creek | 1,468 | $316,132 |