Matt Knigge

Perpetual Homes Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Perpetual Homes Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for prefab home modules from Perpetual Homes range from $173 - $515+ per square foot. These costs are for the turn-key cost of building an ADU or smaller square footage home with Perpetual Homes. As such, our cost range takes into account the module cost, site preparation costs, soft costs like land surveying and drafting, and the potential for additional costs for city, county, and utility fees.

Our cost estimates are based on the sum of module costs (the cost for the actual manufacturing of the ADU) which are estimated to range from $93,000 - $235,000. To that, we added the cost of site preparations which, depending on your chosen model and your building site, are estimated to range from $70,000 - $110,000. It is worth noting that individuals with particularly challenging building sites may face higher site development costs. We also included costs (up to $10,000 each) for both soft costs like surveying and extra fees such as city, county, or utility fees. It is important to note that we have not included the cost of land or any desired upgrades in our cost estimates. 
To receive a cost estimate specific to your individual project, buyers are recommended to speak directly with Perpetual Homes. However, continue reading below for our cost estimates for an ADU from Perpetual Homes.

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet All-in Cost Estimate (not including land)
Angelina 3 2 1,749 $278,112 - $328,112+
Arapaho 3 2 1416 $276,809 - $326,809+
Belmont 1 1 435 $173,417 - $223,417+
Caribou 3 2 1,336 $354,357 - $404,357+
Carmel 3 2 1143 $262,963 - $312,963+
Carson 3 2 1,740 $278,302 - $328,302+
Claremont 2 1 793 $228,372 - $278,372+
Clearwater 3 2 1,546 $371,012 - $421,012+
Communal 2 2 680 $213,164 - $263,164+
Danville 2 2 800 $229,250 - $279,250+
Grandmesa 3 2 1,435 $340,094 - $390,094+
Helena 3 2 1,527 $333,221 - $383,221+
Huntington 3 2 1,170 $261,181 - $311,181+
Lido 3 2 1,173 $260,462 - $310,462+
Malibu 3 2 995 $242,937 - $292,937+
Montecito 3 2 1820 $315,584 - $365,584+
Monterey 1 1 560 $181,835 - $231,835+
Newport 2 1 780 $214,705 - $264,705+
Nicolet 3 2 1,580 $300,290 - $350,290+
Pasadena 2 1 609 $189,505 - $239,505+
Perpetual Lux 1 1 1 522 $175,750 - $225,750+
Perpetual Lux 2 1 1 580 $184,990 - $234,990+
Perpetual Lux 3 2 1 667 $198,325 - $248,325+
Piedmont 1 1 499 $172,009 - $222,009+
Prescott 3 2 1,527 $296,267 - $346,267+
Sequoia 3 2 1,459 $290,763 - $340,763+