Matt Knigge

Zomes Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Zomes Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a prefab home from Zomes range from $252 - $320 per square foot. These estimates are all-inclusive, meaning they cover the cost of the materials kit, shipping, permitting, and installation. While Zomes provides sample project cost estimates on their site, they recommend buyers work with them to generate the most accurate cost estimate possible. They are a turn-key builder, handling all stages of the project should buyers wish, which allows them to be transparent about their pricing.
Two costs that are not accounted for in our estimate are land and any large site modifications that buyers may need to facilitate a home. Additionally, buyers in cold climates may face slightly higher costs (an additional $2,000 - $4,000) to accommodate for extra insulation costs. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished house from Zomes.

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet All-in Cost Estimate (not including land) Zome Only
(Module Only)
Shed Studio 0 211 $67,500 $35,000
Small Studio 1 386 $130,000 $55,000
Medium 1 + Loft 1 730
(580 sqft ground floor + 150 sqft loft)
$230,000 $75,000
Large 2 + Loft 1 1,000
(800 sqft ground floor + 200 sqft loft)
$305,000 $95,000
Double Large 3 + 2 Lofts 2 2,500
(1,800 ground floor + 700 sqft loft)