Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a prefab home from Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses range from $257 - $368+ per square foot. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that the cost of the home, labor, and site work are included. The cost of land, home upgrades, and shipping are not included in this estimate. Our cost estimates are based on past projects costs for completed tiny homes from Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses. We estimate shipping costs to be $2.70 per mile from their Durango, Colorado headquarters. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished home from Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses.
Model | Sleeping Areas | Bathrooms | Size | All-in Cost Estimate |
Boulder | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 112 - 128 sqft Length: 16' |
$35,000+ |
Crestone | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | Length: 14' | $31,000+ |
Wasatch | 3 (2 Lofts + 1 Main Level) |
1 | 224 sqft Length: 28' |
$76,000+ |
Silverthorn | 3 (2 Lofts + 1 Main Level) |
1 | Length: 31' | $90,000+ |
12′ Trailer | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 96 sqft Length: 12' |
$25,000 - $31,000 |
14' Trailer | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 112 sqft Length: 14' |
$28,000 - $33,000 |
16' Trailer | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 128 sqft Length: 16' |
$35,000 - $42,000 |
18' Trailer | 1 - 2 (1 Loft) |
1 | 144 sqft Length: 18' |
$38,000 - $48,000 |
20' Trailer | 1 (1 Loft) |
1 | 160 sqft Length: 20' |
$44,000 - $55,000 |
24' Trailer | 2 (1 Loft + 1 Main Level) |
1 | 192 sqft Length: 24' |
$55,000 - $75,000 |
28' Trailer | 3 (2 Lofts + 1 Main Level) |
1 | 224 sqft Length: 28' |
$65,000 - $80,000 |
30' Trailer | 3 (2 Lofts + 1 Main Level) |
1 | 240 sqft Length: 30' |
$68,000 - $85,000 |
34' Trailer | 3 (2 Lofts + 1 Main Level) |
1 | 272 sqft Length: 34' |
$70,000 - $100,000 |
Matt Knigge